Sunday, October 4, 2009

conference weekend

Yesterday the soccer team that is sub coaching had a game in Santa Monica. We all went down and stopped at the beach for a little while before the game. The weather was nice, cool, but a little humid, so it didn't feel too hot playing in the sand, but then it felt really good to play in the water. Adam playing in the wet sand with his toes

Sam and Adam making 'toe prints'

My little men

warming up after playing in the waves

It surprises me how much Peter loves playing in the ocean. This is the guy who when it's 110 degrees outside will wear pants and a sweatshirt and lay on the couch with a blanket. I don't get it...


Adam loved sifting the sand through his fingers

After catching some waves

My guys

The soccer team Mark is coaching. The boys and I didn't watch a lot of it, we were at the playground most of the time.

This thing was really cool, you put sand in this end...

...and you pull the lid and the sand pours out. Adam played with this for about 15 min. which is a long time for an almost 2 year old!

This park had a teeter totter! Adam and I were on the other end and we were pretty balanced!




We had a great day being together as a family. It's really fun to do this kind of stuff. After the game, we went to Sushi Central for dinner, (the kids had McDonald's) and then got Krispy Kreme. We ate some that night but saved most of them to eat while watching conference this morning. That along with hot chocolate was really yummy!

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