Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Christmas Eve was a CRAZY day! At least it felt like it to me, I was super sick with a nasty cold and just didn't have the energy that I normally have. Everything was a chore and not fun like it should have been. I was cranky and short with my kids and in turn frustrated with myself for feeling sick and not being "the fun, happy mom" my kids should have, especially on Christmas! My hubby really stepped up and kept our home cheerful throughout the day. He even did a lot of the baking when I had to sit down and rest. We did have a great Christmas Eve and the boys had fun! Making yummy goodies

At my parents house for our Christmas program (the BIG red book)

getting ready to start

Peter and Nana singing

Adam and Ryker dancing while we were singing. Ryker is 6 weeks younger than Adam. It is so cute watching them play together

The wise men

Bringing gifts to baby Jesus

Papa and Sam singing

Peter and Mark

Avva giving Papa kisses

Nana and Evva

While we were at my parents house, the Pajama Elf came and brought the boys presents!

Peter and Sam in their new jammies

Tracking Santa on NORAD

All snug in bed

Mark reading Twas the Night Before Christmas. This is a tradition my dad started when I was little.

so cute

They love this story.

Can't wait!

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