Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sam's trip to Riley's Farm

Feb.21st was Sam's turn to go to Riley's Farm for his 5th grade field trip.  My friend and I drove down while our kids rode on the bus.  It took almost four hours to get there, but this is such a fun field trip that I didn't mind!  
Riley's Farm is a Revolutionary War reenactment and the kids were able to learn a lot about what life was like in the American colonies during the revolution.   

This soldier taught the kids about the tax act and the Boston Tea Party.  

These next few pictures taught the kids about what young men did who went off to fight in the war.  They learned how to take orders, march, and how to carry, load, and fire their weapons.  In this case really big sticks.

Soldiers also wrote home to their family or their sweethearts.  The kids thought that "sweethearts" where gross and so most of them wrote home to mom and dad.  

Using a real quill and ink.   

They also learned some games kids back then played.  this one was Sam's favorite.  They had to launch a sewing hoop by using two sticks and then the other one has tot try to catch the hoop with their sticks.

This lady talked to them about different items that were used during those times.

Those two black square things on the table are bricks of tea and were a very hot commodity back then!  

This is my favorite part.  This is where they talk about all of the freedoms we as Americans experience today and why we are able to enjoy these freedoms and why Americans still fight and will always fight for our freedom. 

I love, love, love being able to go on field trips with my kids and experience so much stuff with them! Sam and I had a great day!

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