Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Iowa trip day 10 Sunday Aug. 3rd 2014

Sunday morning we woke up really early and left Des Moines at 6AM.  We headed north on the 35 headed to Minnesota and I-90.  We decided to go this way just so we can say we've been to Minnesota.  Yep, we're crazy like that!  

This morning we headed into an awesome rainstorm

Which Sam and Adam slept through

But Peter and I really enjoyed it!

I really love the rain!

As soon as we got on the 90, we started seeing these signs ALL THE TIME!  Peter and I started counting them but gave up around 50 something!

While in Minnesota we drove by the turn off to Mankato. I read the sign and was saying to Peter that I've heard of Mankato.  I don't know how I've heard of it but I know I have.  It was kinda driving me a little crazy not being able to place it.  My mom called a few minutes later and was asking me if I saw the turn off for Mankato.  She then told me that's from Little House on the Prairie.  They would go to Mankato and Sleepy Eye. I was so relieved to remember why it's so familiar to me!  I LOVED that show!

Also did you know that there is a town in Minnesota called Blue Earth and that's where the Jolly Green Giant is from?  (I LOVE road trips!)

We stopped in Mitchell to see the "World Famous Corn Palace."  They were in the middle of redoing the pictures so it wasn't very impressive to us, but it was still fun to see.

It was interesting to see how they created the pictures

We stopped in Chamberlain on the Missouri River for lunch.
These are just some pictures of the river.  It was pretty...

R2 is still our co-pilot!

We finally made it to Wall Drug!  This place started out as just a pharmacy a long time ago.  Business was kind of slow so the wife suggested they offer free ice cold water.  After that business picked up and it has turned into this crazy tourist trap.  It was lots of fun!

Adam on the famous Jakalope.  

Us drinking our free was really gross =)

They have an animated T-Rex that roars every 12 minutes, the boys enjoyed that!

This place really is crazy!

Roaring T-Rex!

Sam and Peter decided they wanted a picture too!

Fun sign!

We then drove by the Badlands and finally made it to Custer in the Black Hills where we will be staying for the next few days.  Oh, BTW, Dani California by RHCP was THE perfect song for today!

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